Do you offer weight loss treatments at Mayfield Clinic?

Private GP

by Dr Amanda Northridge

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The doctors at Mayfield Clinic are offering treatment with semaglutide (Ozempic) to carefully selected patients who need additional help with weight loss.

Ozempic is a medication used in the management of type 2 diabetes.  The same medication under the brand name Wegovy has been recommended by NICE for the treatment of obesity. At present the only available form of semaglutide in the UK is Ozempic. We anticipate switching to Weogvy in due course, but for the time being we are prescribing Ozempic.

If you have a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, the use of Ozempic should be discussed with your specialist team and added to your treatment plan by them should they agree.

The medication mimics the action of the hormone GLP1 which makes us feel full. Patients using Ozempic therefore tend to have reduced appetite, which in combination with exercise and a healthy diet can lead to significant weight loss.

Your GP will discuss the potential benefits and risks of Ozempic and will conduct a thorough assessment of your medical history. They will examine you and take some baseline blood tests prior to treatment. During treatment they will see you each month to monitor the response and adjust doses.

Ozempic is administered as an injection just beneath the skin of the abdomen or thigh once weekly. Each pre-filled pen provides 4 doses.  Your GP will supervise and support you with administering injections in the clinic until you feel confident to do this at home. Most patients are understandably a little daunted by this, but are then pleasantly surprised by how straightforward the process is.

Side effects tend to be mild and can include nausea and diarrhoea which will usually last for up to a week. More serious side effects are rare but include pancreatitis and a possible increased risk of thyroid tumours. Ozempic should be avoided in patients with a family history of certain types of thyroid cancer.

Treatment with Ozempic should be combined with lifestyle change. At Mayfield Clinic we have a multi-disciplinary team and can offer support from our Clinical Psychologist as well as expert advice on nutrition and exercise from our Exercise Therapist. This allows us to tailor treatment packages to the specific and individual requirements of our patients.

Treatment with Ozempic can continue for up to 2 years. During this time we will work with you to make robust plans to ensure that weight loss can be sustained in the long term.

If you would like to explore treatment with Ozempic please make an appointment with Dr Gleave or Dr Malloy.

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30 minutes | £220

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